AdEx converges TV, press, mags, radio analysis on Map 3.0

AdEx converges TV, press, mags, radio analysis on Map 3.0

MUMBAI: With the clear vision of being a One-Stop media analysis hub, Tam Media Research's AdEx India has launched the latest version of Media Analyzer Package (Map) software that is used by the industry for calculating ad spends across media platforms.

The new version Map 3.0 has added features that will enable radio spends analysis; media planning and promo tracking amongst other things. The new Map 3.0, useful for large advertisers, broadcasters, publication houses and planning agencies, will be able to get into a multi-media analysis spanning TV, newspapers, magazines and radio.

Until now, Map was available in the following two versions  Map 2.5 (that enabled TV and press spends analysis) and Map 2.6 (that enabled analysis on radio spends).

AdEx India ventured into radio ad spends analysis last year by setting up a new division Radio AdEx, in technical collaboration with AirCheck India, USA. Now, AdEx India will be looking at setting up analysis divisions for multiplex and outdoor ad spends.

Map 3.0 software is faster, simpler and covers a wide range of facilities that makes it more user friendly and facilitates out-of-the box analysis. This new version has the potential of reducing the analysis time by anywhere from 25 - 50 per cent.

Some of the highlights of Map 3.0 are as follows:

    As one of the key enablers for clients, Map 3.0 allows you to link brands with the corresponding program promotions. This new solution addresses elements that one gets as part of sponsorship deals. This can be effectively tracked and analysed.
    The bridge between AdEx and viewership data has been maintained. This enables one handle media plans and promotions --- (i) from the media planners point of view, they will be able to assess the deliveries  GRPs, frequency, reach etc and (ii) from broadcasters point of view, promotion plans can be analysed and benchmarked.

Some of the operational benefits are:

    Option to save a media schedule query
    In-built calendar. Will not use the default calendar of the computer
    Option of full channel description
    Output can now be filtered by ad time slots
    Output can be exported to a DBF format
    The output can now be filtered by program time slot for TV and Radio

TAM Media Research AdEx India director Uday Rao says, "Faster and effective media decisions is the final motive for our clients. With our clients increasingly wanting multimedia analysis, this new software version is faster, simpler and offers wide range of analysis across TV, newspapers, magazines and radio."

The advantage of this up-gradation is that a current user of Map 2.5, who does not intend to use radio ad spends data, can continue with this same version that only features TV and press.