Discovery Channel premieres 'Warrior Women'

Discovery Channel premieres 'Warrior Women'

Warrior Women

Discovery Channel will premier a new series Warrior Women on 10 November at 10 pm.

The first episode presents a woman succeeded in the art of war as Grace O'Malley, one of the greatest clan leaders and warriors of the 16th Century.

The programme employed the latest digital and cinematic technology, and traces the unique life of the pirate queen. A mother, a lover and a gambler; Grace O’ Malley laid claim to her father’s empire and went on to lead over 200 hardened warriors into battle to take on Queen Elizabeth I and the British empire.

The programme features interviews with biographers and weapons’ experts and also a first hand account of the amazing life of the pirate queen.

The show is hosted by Lucy Lawless Xena: The Warrior Princess.