Bail Kolhu’s new campaign urges voters to ‘choose right’ this election season

Bail Kolhu’s new campaign urges voters to ‘choose right’ this election season

The #ChunoSahi campaign aims to create awareness on importance of voting.

Bail Kolhu’s

Mumbai: To choose the right candidate this election season, FMCG company BL Agro through its signature brand Bail Kolhu, has announced the latest campaign #ChunoSahi, on all social media platforms. ‘ChunoSahi’ means ‘choose right’ as Bail Kolhu tries to advocate the cause specially amongst young voters to select the right candidate for the country.

The campaign, ideated and conceptualised by the Noida-based Leads Brand Connect agency, is strategically designed during this election season where the brand aims to spread the message of ‘duty to vote thoughtfully’ to the young voters. The objective of the campaign is to create awareness on the importance of voting, especially for first-time voters.

The ad film portrays how a mother educates her young son to select the right candidate for the country, the way she chooses pure and quality edible oil from the market to keep the family healthy.

“This campaign ‘ChunoSahi is aligned with our brand’s identity and message to our consumers," said BL Agro managing director Ashish Khandelwal. "We want to show consumers through this digital campaign how selecting the right thing can make a huge difference. We hope young voters will be encouraged to make the right choice.” 

BL Argo has launched the election campaign for the brand Bail Kolhu and is planning to take the company to the next level through aggressive marketing strategies and brand positioning, resulting in consumer awareness on BL Agro’s products across India, stated the company.