Weekend Unwind with Social Panga's Manan Malik

Weekend Unwind with Social Panga's Manan Malik

The latest in the series of informal chats with industry execs in our weekend special.

Manan Malik

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that peek into the minds of business executives through a fun lens in an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

In this week’s session, we have

Social Panga's director of strategy and growth Manan Malik.

Without further ado here it goes…

Your mantra for life
I will summarise this with a quote, and I have an abstract tattoo for the same as well.
“We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories... And those that carry us forward, are dreams.” from the book ‘The Time Machine’ by H.G. Wells

A book you are currently reading or plan to read
I am currently reading ‘Landour Days’ by Ruskin Bond. It’s a book on a lot of Ruskin Bond’s personal stories and experiences of living in the hills. Both Ruskin Bond and Ladour have a special place and emotion in my heart. I am a slow reader, whenever this finishes, I am going to pick ‘Cat People’ by Devapriya Roy

Your fitness mantra
While I am still working on this front. In the end it boils down to the enough movement, portion control, setting boundaries and saying no. If these are in check, consistency and discipline will take you places! Secondly, learning the science behind things help me.

Your comfort food
Technically, I should be averse to this idea, but Giani’s Caramel Mocha Sundae wins this category. It definitely delivers comfort right to the soul! And who doesn’t like a plate of perfectly cooked rajma chawal and momos.

A quote or philosophy that keeps you going when the chips are down
“And Until Death Comes, All if Life.” – Lines by Ruskin Bond. It has been my email signature for years.

Your guilty pleasure
Making endless lists about things and organising data and every information. Also, documenting various aspects of my life which might be of no use or now are mere memory.

The last time you tried something new
I have recently started making Protein Pancakes, which is new dish. I hope that counts 😉

A life lesson you learned the hard way
I should have prioritized health over anything else in my younger years and acknowledge the things I feel and want.

What gets you excited about life?
That there’s so much more to this world. So many places to travel, and so many things to experience – people, culture, food and all things life, and so many hobbies to follow and skills to learn.

What’s on top of your bucket list?
Having a simple house built as per what I have imagined in the quaint foot of the hills, with all things that makes a house a home! But that’s a long shot, so publishing my poetry-photography book which I would want to make it happen soon.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
It’s so easier than it looks to manage my fears, and I should have managed them without wasting much time, whenever needed. Secondly, to always prioritize myself.

One thing you would most like to change about the world
The world could use more compassion and kindness and see beyond just work and deadlines. Things are not as hard, difficult and daunting as people make them because of their wiring.

An activity that keeps you motivated and charged during tough times
Hitting the gym, and very recently playing Table Tennis.

What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?
Talking my heart out to the wonderful, sensible bunch of friends that I am blessed to have.

Your go-to stress buster
The attention and space that my beautiful Calico-Indie cat, Arya demands by sitting with me or on my lap, does the job perfectly well.