“We firmly believe that preventive healthcare is important to ensure good health”: Ruchika Malhan Varma

“We firmly believe that preventive healthcare is important to ensure good health”: Ruchika Malhan Varma

The plan is designed to meet women’s unique needs.

Ruchika Verma

Mumbai: Future Generali India Insurance Company (FGII), a private general insurer, on 7 March had announced the launch of its most comprehensive women’s health insurance plan. The plan is designed to meet women’s unique needs.

Some of the critical differentiators of HEALTH POWHER include Enhanced Limits for Female Cancer treatments, Coverage for Puberty and Menopause-related disorders, OPD focuses  on physical & mental well-being with the reinstatement of mental illness benefits to 200 per cent, Coverage for infertility treatment and Oocyte cryopreservation, Stem Cell Storage, a comprehensive wellness program, Lumpsum benefit for Newborn defect, Nursing care, Senior Care covering bone strengthening injections, joint injections etc., Enhanced maternity benefits with the inclusion of Antenatal cover, and many more.

For a country like India, where women comprise roughly half of the nation’s population, at around 49 per cent, less than one-third or only about 30 per cent of them aged 15-49, were covered under health insurance between 2019-2021, as per data fetched from the National Family Health Survey India report.

Indiantelevision.com reached out to Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd chief marketing, customer & impact officer Ruchika Malhan Varma where she shared more insights on the launch plan.

Edited excerpts

On the key features of the HEALTH POWHER women's health insurance plan launched by Future Generali India Insurance Company

Our recent survey among women in India revealed that approximately 74% of Indian women are not engaged in decisions regarding their health insurance cover. Given the unique healthcare needs of women, which differ significantly from those of men due to their distinct anatomy, it's crucial to provide products that address their requirements. However, an overwhelming 75% of women feel that pre-existing health insurance policies failed to adequately address their evolving needs. Recognizing this critical gap, we introduced HEALTH POWHER, which addresses women specific health issues, ensuring comprehensive insurance coverage to women across all stages of their life. It covers Puberty and Menopause related disorders, comes with Enhanced Limits for Female Cancer treatments, provides Coverage for infertility treatment & Egg freezing, offers Comprehensive Wellness Program, and much more. It also includes provisions for various maternity-related expenses such as delivery, miscarriage, antenatal treatment, and newborn care. This apart, it also underlines preventive care strategy aimed at early detection and management of ailments, thereby contributing to long-term health and well-being. Supplementary benefits such as senior care, nursing assistance, temporary domestic help, and women-specific value-added services further enhance the plan's coverage, making it a comprehensive solution dedicated to promoting and safeguarding women's health.

On elaborating the coverage provided for female cancer treatments under the plan

According to official estimates, the number of cancer cases in India for the year 2022 was 14,61,427, with a greater number of female cases 7,49,251 compared to that in males 7,12,176. Understandably, having comprehensive coverage for cancer treatments included in one's health plan is of utmost importance. HEALTH POWHER addresses this need by offering comprehensive coverage for cancer treatments, with a notable focus on providing additional coverage for cancers that predominantly affect women.

On the types of infertility treatments covered under the plan, and what is oocyte cryopreservation

Estimates suggest that nearly 60-80 million couples suffer from infertility worldwide and nearly 25 per cent (15-20 million) of them are in India alone. Under HEALTH POWHER we cover the cost of IVF and other infertility treatment and it is designed in a way to make infertility treatments accessible to our customers. This apart, cryopreservation, which involves the freezing and storage of oocytes (eggs) is also covered under the plan. This can be particularly beneficial for women who wish to preserve their fertility for various medical conditions where treatment would be medically necessary.

On the comprehensive wellness program offered by the plan entail

We firmly believe that preventive healthcare is important to ensure good health and help detect problems early on so as to provide timely care and support. Hence, we have included both preventive care and wellness benefits in our comprehensive wellness program. Under HEALTH POWHER’s preventive care benefit, we provide coverage for scans and vaccination, such as HPV vaccine, to our policyholders. The wellness benefits encompasses various value-added services and wellness reward points aimed at promoting healthy lifestyle choices. Additionally, our customers have the opportunity to accrue wellness reward points, which can be redeemed for additional wellness-related services, incentives, or discounts, encouraging ongoing engagement in activities that promote health and well-being.

On the plan providing lump sum benefits for newborn defects and nursing care

The HEALTH POWHER plan ensures financial support for newborns, covering expenses related to newborn defects, vaccinations, and stem cell storage, providing peace of mind to parents regarding their child's healthcare needs. The plan includes comprehensive coverage for newborns, encompassing lump sum benefits for defects and nursing care. Furthermore, it covers stem cell storage for potential future medical use.

On the National Family Health Survey India report, covering only 30 per cent of women aged 15-49 under health insurance between 2019-2021

To address the low penetration of health insurance cover among women aged 15-49 years, a multifaceted approach needs to be implemented. This includes launching educational campaigns tailored to women's needs, developing insurance plans covering their evolving medical requirements, providing financial literacy programs, collaborating with stakeholders, utilizing customized communication channels, simplifying enrollment processes, offering enrollment incentives, designing women-friendly policies, partnering with employers, and continuously evaluating and improving initiatives to ensure sustained progress. Our survey identified one of the significant factors contributing to the low adoption of health insurance among surveyed women: the absence of a comprehensive product addressing the specific needs of women. Infact nearly 75% of women we surveyed believed that the existing health insurance policies fell short of addressing women-specific needs and 94% of the respondents agreed that having a comprehensive health insurance plan for women would increase participation in the purchase process. In response to this demand gap, we have introduced HEALTH POWHER, a comprehensive health plan designed to cater to women's varied needs across different life stages.