• BCCI appoints Anil Kumble as head coach

    MUMBAI: The BCCI announces appointment of Anil Kumble as the Head Coach of the Indian Cricket Team.

  • Sony Six set to enthral audiences with MCL featuring cricketing legends

    MUMBAI: Come 28 January, 2016 and cricket fans will be in for a treat as they’ll get an opportunity to watch cricketi

  • Scarecrow relaunches Emami's Sona Chandi Chyawanprash brand

    MUMBAI: Emami‘s Sona Chandi Chyawanprash has launched an ad campaign which is conceptualised by Scarecrow Communicati

  • ESS in 3-year deal with Shane Warne

    Submitted by ITV Production on Oct 06
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: ESPN STAR Sports (ESS) has announced that former Australian spin bowler Shane Warne has signed on as a part of its commentary, presentation and analysis team for a period of three years.

    Known for his forthright and honest opinions and a superb cricket brain, cricket fans can look forward to Warne?s analysis of the game starting with the England tour of India later this year in addition to Australia?s upcoming tour of India. The broadcaster says that having mastered the art of all formats of the game at the highest level, and his experience playing with and against some of the biggest names in modern day cricket, Warne?s unique insights will add immense value to ESS?s presentation of cricket.

    Warne will also be actively involved in promoting Cricket related broadcast on ESPN Star Sports.

    Warne for Australia has claimed over 1,000 wickets in Tests and One-day Internationals. In the new Twenty20 format of the game, Warne showed his ability as a strategist and as an inspiring leader when he led Rajasthan Royals to victory in the first edition of Indian Premier League.

    ESS MD Peter Hutton said, "We?re delighted to add one of the legends of the game to our commentary team. Following on from the work with Kevin Pietersen it shows our intention to add the best international commentators to Sourav Ganguly, Rahul Dravid and the rest of our regular Indian team."

    ESS senior VP production Huw Bevan said, "Warne?s unique experience and no-holds-barred insights will add immense value to ESS?s presentation of cricket. Fans in India would indeed be familiar with his achievements at the international level as well as his heroics for Rajasthan Royals, and we?re delighted to have him as part of our comprehensive cricket coverage."

    Shane Warne
  • Sahara appoints Ganguly as Pune Warriors India captain

    Submitted by ITV Production on Mar 22
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Sahara Group-owned IPL team Pune Warriors India Thursday announced former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly as the captain of the team for season 5 of the IPL to be played from 4 April to 27 May.

    The franchise also announced that Pune Warriors India team will don new turquoise blue and silver coloru jerseys. Turquoise blue colour stands for zeal, confidence and victory, the very attributes and motto of a Warrior, PWI said.

    Sahara Group chairman Subrata Roy said, ?We are extremely proud that the legendary all-rounder and one of the most successful captain of the Indian Cricket Team, Sourav Ganguly, is the Captain and Mentor of Pune Warriors India in this season of IPL. I am sure that his experience, expertise and deep understanding of the nuances of the game will definitely infuse an exemplary spirit of passion and commitment amongst the members of the team.?

    The Pune Warriors India?s bowling coach is Allan Donald while Praveen Amre is the batting coach. Paddy Upton is the mental conditioning and high performance coach of the team.

  • UTV denies buying rights of Dabaang 2

    MUMBAI: UTV Motion Pictures has rubbished rumours going around in trade circles about it purchasing the rights of the

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