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  • Techno Freak - Hiren Gada

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 03

    A complete gadget freak - That is Hiren Gada,Vice President Shemaroo Entertainment Pvt. Ltd for you. His likes life on the fast lane, is how he describes it to Richa Dubey.

    I keep myself updated about the gadgets that I use. I read magazines, books and watch TV. I own a mobile, MP3 player and a laptop which I carry wherever I travel for official purposes. I prefer the latest configuration on my laptop. The latest one which I am using has got a screen size of 12 inches and is very small and weighs less. I find it very convenient to carry while traveling. It also has different software and a DVD writer. We are a home DVD company so I have a vast DVD collection ranging from classics to newer ones.

    I like watching movies in multiplexes as well as at home. Watching a movie in multiplexes is a family experience. I make it a point to watch movies with the family at least once or twice in two weeks.

    Being from the entertainment industry I like to watch movies with leisure therefore I have installed home theater in each and every room. I watch movies a lot. I am a big techno freak when it comes to movies. In my hall I have a mini theatre. There is a Panasonic projector at one end and a large screen at the other, which gives a proper theater feel.

    One of it is movable, such that I can watch it while having meals. I have a set top box, a DVD player and amplifier. All of these are attached to the projector and speakers around the room. I use 5 remote controls for them but it pays well. The experience of watching and listening to music in such an environment is amazing. I own all the original DVDs and depending on the mood I watch them.

    My collection of movies range from Lawrence of Arabia, Da Vinci Code, Anand etc.

    In mobile phones I have kind of stabilized on Nokia 9300 since two years. It is a communicator and I never found any cell as good. This is the one which has everything in one and suits my profession. I have a blackberry installed so I get mail alerts on it when I am not carrying my laptop. Communicator is a holistic device in its own right. But I do keep a track of every new mobile in the market.

    While traveling, schedules are tight so I hardly get time to shop or check out for small electronic gadgets but in duty free I do check out the price and new features. I also carry my MP3 player while traveling. It also has a radio in it. I have never bought an Ipod because I feel it is as good as having an MP3 player. If they come out with an Ipod cum radio I will surely buy one. I am looking for different features in an Ipod like video.

    indiantelevision.com Team
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