• The Gator Boys are back on Discovery Channel with new episodes

    New Delhi, August 26, 2013: India's leading factual entertainment network, Discovery Channel brings the all new excit

  • The Splendour of Rashtrapati Bhavan revealed on Discovery Channel

    NEW DELHI: Coinciding with India's 67th Independence Day celebration on 15 August, Discovery Channel is telecasting a

  • Discovery Channel to air the event live on monday, June 24

    New Delhi, 14th June 2013: Nik Wallenda, King of the HighWire and seventh generation descendent of the legendary Wall

  • Mathew Kelly is Discovery US VP development, prodn

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 06
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: US infotainment broadcaster Discovery Channel has announced the appointment of Matthew Kelly to the role of VP of development, production.

    He will report to Discovery Channel executive VP of development and production Dolores Gavin.

    Kelly has served in a variety of roles within Discovery. Most recently he was Discovery Channel senior director of development where he developed programming including ?Gold Rush?, as well as series ?Jungle Gold? and ?Yukon Men?. He also developed and co-executive produced ?Amish Mafia?

    Earlier he was Science Channel director of development and worked on signature hits including ?Oddities?, ?How the Universe Works? and ?Monster Bug Wars?. Before joining Science Channel, Kelly was Discovery Channel manager of development where he developed series.

  • Brandlogist launches a new design unit

    MUMBAI: Brandlogist, a Delhi-based brand communications consultancy, has started a new vertical focussed on inculcati

  • Discovery Channel to air Body Bizarre

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 06
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Discovery Channel?s series Body Bizarre, moves across the globe in hunt of extraordinary individuals living with some of the planet?s most inexplicable, remarkable and thought-provoking medical anomalies that have even mystified the world?s finest doctors and experts.

    The six-part special series, Body Bizarre, will hit the television screens every Monday to Friday at 10 pm starting 13 May only on Discovery Channel.

    From India to Indonesia, China to Ethiopia, the Dominican Republic, Hawaii, the United Kingdom, Texas Body Bizarre reveals the real human stories behind the headlines and brings to light what life is really like for these people whose lives have been afflicted by physically and emotionally horrifying syndromes.

    The series covers the anomalies of five Indians from Bihar, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal.

    A woman who constantly cries and sweats blood, Indonesia?s infamous cigarette-smoking toddler, a little girl who is a human octopus in India, a werewolf girl in Thailand, a 31 year old woman trapped in the body of a baby, a footless football sensation, a furry monkey girl in China, an Indonesian boy with snake-like skin, a man with a hole in his face and an Ethiopian girl born with an extra body are some of the individuals whose rare unpleasant conditions have made them shy away from human contact.

    Body Bizarre features stripped down interviews with these individuals, their family, friends and doctors who analysis and attempts to treat their rare conditions. Sometimes, they require surgery so complicated and demanding that the odds of survival are stacked against them.

    Despite the massive challenges they face, with modern medicine, the dedication of medical teams, the love of their family and friends and most importantly, their powerful passion for life, these strong individuals push themselves not only for the purpose of survival, but to shine and inspire as well.

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