India TV marketing head Nikhil Mathur resigns

India TV marketing head Nikhil Mathur resigns

Mathur has played a key role in a number of successful initiatives

Mumbai : India TV marketing head Nikhil Mathur will be leaving the organisation. He has turned in his paperwork and will pause for a moment before starting his next project.

Nikhil has been a vital member of the India TV team and has contributed significantly to the expansion and success of the business. 

As the Chief of Marketing, he has been in charge of creating and putting into action cutting-edge marketing plans that have made India TV stand out in a cutthroat industry.

Mathur has played a key role in a number of successful initiatives that have elevated India TV throughout his tenure. One of the examples is the presence of Live India TV in the airports of Delhi, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, and Chandigarh.

Several people were surprised by Nikhil's choice to leave India TV, but he has made it obvious that he is looking forward to taking some time off before starting his next project. He has thanked the whole India TV staff for their dedication and support over the years and has reassured them that he is always willing to assist them in any manner he can.

In a statement, Nikhil said, "It has been an incredible journey working at India TV, and I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had here. I would like to thank the entire India TV team for their support and dedication, and I look forward to staying connected with them in the future."

With his extensive marketing experience and expertise, he is likely to continue to make significant contributions to the industry in the future. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavours.