'Click Online' examines tech advancements in the East

'Click Online' examines tech advancements in the East

Click Online

On BBC this week, Stephen Cole and the Click Online team ask the question Is the developing world playing technology leapfrog with the West?

Reporter David Jamies on looks at the mobile phone market in China, one of the fastest growing in the world at the moment and discovers that poor rural workers in rice paddy fields may end up owning mobiles without ever having had a landline at all.

Click Online also looks at Afghanistan, a war-shattered country that has rapidly restored some of its phone systems using the latest mobile technology. Click Online discusses the technology leapfrog issue in depth with technology journalist, Tim Philips.

The show will also feature a report from New York correspondent Ian Hardy on how Starbucks is giving customers access to the Internet, without wires. The show also looks at the week's top sites with Sev Bastajian and rounds up top technology news stories across the web.

The show airs 28 September 12 pm, 29 September at 4 pm, 1 October at 1 pm and 2 October at 7 pm.