Zee News launches new era of DNA show with Anant Tyagi

Zee News launches new era of DNA show with Anant Tyagi

Anant Tyagi has built a distinguished career covering major events

Anant Tyagi

Mumbai: Zee News is to announce a significant milestone for its flagship DNA prime-time news show with the appointment of veteran journalist Anant Tyagi as the new anchor. This marks a new era for the DNA show, aired daily at 9 pm, renowned for its in-depth research and fearless approach to news reporting. Anant Tyagi, with over a decade of unwavering dedication to journalism, brings a wealth of experience and a steadfast commitment to upholding the highest standards of journalistic integrity.

Anant Tyagi has built a distinguished career covering major events, including state elections, landmark legal rulings, and significant socio-political developments. His unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and presenting balanced perspectives has earned him widespread respect and recognition as a trusted journalist in India.

The DNA Show has long been celebrated for its commitment to thorough research and fearless reporting. Viewers can expect Anant Tyagi to bring new depth and perspective to the analysis of current affairs. His approach promises to maintain the high standards DNA sets while introducing innovative ways to engage and inform the audience.

Anant Tyagi expressed his enthusiasm about this new role, stating, "I am honoured to take on the role of anchor for DNA, a show that has set benchmarks in television news for its meticulous research and fearless approach. I am committed to continuing this legacy and providing our viewers with thorough, unbiased reporting and insightful analysis. Together, we will explore the stories that matter most to our audience and uphold the principles of integrity and truth in journalism. I look forward to engaging with our viewers and bringing them the stories that shape our world."

Zee News managing editor Rahul Sinha highlighted, "We are thrilled to introduce Anant Tyagi as the anchor of DNA show, reinforcing our commitment to delivering credible, impactful news reportage. Anant’s extensive experience and dedication to journalistic integrity make him the perfect choice to lead DNA into this exciting new era. Our viewers can look forward to a deeper and more insightful analysis of current affairs, presented in a clear and engaging format.”

The Zee News - DNA show, celebrated for its meticulous research and fearless approach, continues to set benchmarks in the news genre. Under Anant Tyagi's stewardship, viewers can anticipate a deeper and more insightful analysis of current affairs, presented in a clear and engaging format.

Zee Media Corp Ltd, a leading media conglomerate in India, boasts a robust presence in news and regional genres, with 18 news channels spanning seven languages and an extensive viewership of over 528 million through linear and digital platforms.