The CEO who lost everthing in WTC terror

The CEO who lost everthing in WTC terror

WTC terror

Willow Bay Profiles Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick on CNN's Pinnacle 

What is it like being a victim of the 11 September collapse of the World Trade Centre in New York? What is it like having 700 of your employees die without your being able to do anything about it? 

To find out, tune in to CNN's Pinnacle show on 11 November at 4 PM IST. The show's unique format examines the most pressing issues facing CEOs in a world changed by the 11 September attacks. 

Pinnacle anchor Willow Bay will be interviewing trading firm Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick on his fight to save his company, which had offices on floors 101 to 105. Lutnick will also open up about his efforts to rebuild the business and the fallout from his decision to cut off salaries to Cantor employees lost in the attacks. The effort is to offer a peek into the innards of Cantor Fitzgerald before and after the terrorist attacks. 

Pinnacle is slated to feature the following business leaders in the upcoming weeks: Fred Alger, CEO of Alger Management; and James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank.