Philip Fleming to head communications for BBC Worldwide's home ent. biz

Philip Fleming to head communications for BBC Worldwide's home ent. biz

MUMBAI: UK pubcaster the BBC's commercial arm BBC Worldwide has appointed Philip Fleming as head of communications for its home entertainment business.

Home entertainment incorporates Worldwide's Children's and Licensing department (responsible for the global exploitation of brands such as Doctor Who and In the Night Garden) and its audio and music department which comprises of BBC Audio Books, record and track licensing, radio and TV programme sales, and music publishing.

Fleming will also oversee communications for the company's joint ventures including 2Entertain (DVD), Ebury (books), Ragdoll Worldwide (the management of Ragdoll Productions Ltd's back catalogue) and Penguin (Children's books).

He joins the Home Entertainment team from BBC Magazines, where he has been head of communications since 2004. During his time at BBC Magazines he steered public relations for over 40 titles, including Radio Times, Top Gear, Olive and CBeebies Weekly and popular websites such as, and