Nick US ties up with Clinton Foundation, American Heart Association to fight childhood obesity

Nick US ties up with Clinton Foundation, American Heart Association to fight childhood obesity

MUMBAI: This is a new initiative by Nick US to inculcate better and healthier lifestyles among kids. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a joint initiative of the William J. Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, has announced that it has entered into a partnership with Nickelodeon‘s award-winning Let‘s Just Play pro-social campaign.


The aim is to combat the spread of childhood obesity. The three organisations are combining forces on a comprehensive media and public awareness campaign, encouraging young people to engage in healthy and active lifestyles.

The new partnership will provide the necessary tools to empower children and families to be agents of change in their communities through grassroots activities, events, and programming support through multiple media platforms.
This movement will increase awareness among young people about the importance of eating well and being physically active. Nick will utilise its multimedia platforms and the Let‘s Just Play campaign to reach millions of young people across the country and to spread the message of the Healthiest Generation movement.

The network will also produce a series of public service announcements (PSAs) featuring former US President Clinton and Governor Mike Huckabee as well as young people and other
individuals. Clinton said, "I look forward to continuing our work with the American Heart Association and I welcome Nickelodeon as a partner of our alliance in this fight against
childhood obesity. This issue is very close to me. As a child, I was overweight and have struggled with my weight all my life.

"After my bypass surgery last year, I wanted to develop a programme for young people so they know about the dangers of eating poorly and living an unhealthy lifestyle and also so they know that there are options available to eat right and exercise. Nickelodeon has been active in this area for quite a while, and
this partnership will be a great team, bringing the issue of childhood obesity to the forefront of health consciousness and will help America‘s youth get involved to create their own healthy lifestyles."

Nick president Herb Scannell said, "We are believers in big ideas at Nickelodeon and the goal of motivating kids to become a healthier generation is a huge opportunity for all of us. We want to do more than attack the obesity epidemic. Through this partnership with the Clinton Foundation and American Heart Association, we want kids to become personally invested in living strong, healthy lives. And if we do our jobs right, kids will believe that being healthy is cool."

Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee said, "President Clinton and I may not share political affiliations. but we do share a common hometown, a common background in struggling personally with good eating habits, and a common commitment to help the children of America grow up to be healthy and live long and productive lives. We believe children are far more important than
anyone‘s politics."

Following the announcement, President Clinton participated in a town hall meeting with young people from around America. Together, they discussed issues surrounding childhood obesity and the steps they can take to help each
other live healthier, more active lifestyles. The program, hosted by Linda Ellerbee, will be aired on 13 November 2005 as part of a Nick News Special: The Fight to be Fit, and will serve as a call to action to encourage young people to take an active part in building a movement combating obesity and promoting
healthy lifestyles.