UTV's 'Meher' turns daily on DD

UTV's 'Meher' turns daily on DD


MUMBAI: Meher, a weekend Muslim social thriller produced by UTV will now be aired four days a week from 25 March 2004. The change in timing also coincides with a major twist in the storyline of the serial in the coming days.

Meher, which has been drawing favourable TRPs in non cable and satellite homes, was till now, being aired on Saturdays and Sundays at 8.30 pm. The story revolves around the main protagonist Meher's trials and tribulations , the resulting emotional conflicts and upheavals arising in her life as she finds herself pitted against a very conservative, corrupt and hypocritical social order.

According to Meher creative director Sukesh Motwani, "It was UTV's idea to change the serial from its existing slot of twice a week to a daily soap looking at its popularity and the fact that there is no other serial based on such a theme on air at present."

According to Motwani, "The storyline of the serial is awaiting a major twist. Meher's twin sister is going to appear very soon."

Launched in January 2004, the serial is running on a slot earlier occupied by a news bulletin. While the bulletin drew TRPs of around 3 and 4, Meher reached TRPs of 8.4 in its second week itself, says UTV.