China Mobile, News Corp & Star in partnership to explore wireless space

China Mobile, News Corp & Star in partnership to explore wireless space

MUMBAI: China Mobile Limited, News Corporation and Star Group Limited have announced a broad strategic partnership to explore wireless media business opportunities.

By leveraging the content assets and interactive services of News Corporation and Star, the partners will combine their strengths to develop wireless media services based on China Mobile‘s mobile platform, through which China Mobile serves over 260 million subscribers. The cooperation will explore wireless media business opportunities on a global basis, states an official release.

Key areas of the cooperation will include development, production, aggregation and distribution of a wide array of wireless services ranging from music, broadband interactivity, and social networking to multimedia value-added products, informs an official release.

China Mobile chairman and CEO Wang Jianzhou said, "The partnership with News Corporation and Star will lay a solid foundation for providing wireless multimedia services. This is a very important step for us in view of the global convergence of telecommunication, media and Internet. With News Corporation and Star‘s popular and quality media content assets, we will be able to offer more exciting services to our customers."

News Corporation chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch says, "Partnering with China Mobile gives us immediate access to a vast consumer base throughout China. News Corp. has been a world leader in wireless content while our services such as MySpace dominate the online social networking craze. It is my hope that this partnership will unleash the creative and technical abilities of the talented employees of News Corp. and China Mobile to bring new offerings to consumers across mainland China and Hong Kong."

Star Group CEO Michelle Guthrie adds," Today‘s partnership represents an important new media growth opportunity for Star. China Mobile‘s world-leading expertise, customer base and exciting growth initiatives will allow us to expand the Star brands and services in the largest wireless market in the world. We look forward to working closely with them to bring a new level of wireless entertainment to the consumer."