BroadcastAsia 2024 gets mixed reviews

BroadcastAsia 2024 gets mixed reviews

Some said it worked well for them; some said it was middling.


Mumbai: Was Broadcast Asia, Communicasia or Asiatch x Singapore– the annual confab of the content technology industry which was held from 29-31 May  in the Singapore Expo - a great success? The jury is out as the reviews were mixed from those attending – right from it being a fabulous event to it being  slow.

For starters, there were four halls – Halls 3,4,5,6. But they were not packed with booths; there were empty areas in which table top games were placed. Stands too seemed to have shrunk with exhibitors veering towards caution during a touch year financially. AWS was conspicuous by its absence in the large format stand that we were used to, though it had chosen to be a sponsor of one of the conference tracks. The innovation zone did not seem to have too many innovative ideas, with small pods and students exhibiting their professor’s or their own inventions for start ups.

The conferences too did not have a full house, with some being half full or even less, though tracks focused on generative AI, the space satellite segment, fast channels et al.

For those who chose to exhibit and be a part of it, there were networking opportunites, and even better still, prospects of new clients. The tidings are looking good, said many an exhibitor.

"We are seeing green shoots,” said one of the exhibitors, unwilling to be identified. “Hopefully, the market for hardware and software services sector targeted at content creation should pick up in the next three to four months.”

For the new tech seekers, there were hardly any major announcements of new products and services. For that, it will be over to IBC in September.