'MTV SOUND TRIPPIN' Returns With Season 2

Submitted by ITV Production on Jul 04

National July 4, 2013: The first season of ?MTV Sound Trippin? created ripples across the country for its fresh take on music coupled with the sounds of unexplored India. After bagging 25 million views on-air, 1 million Youtube hits and selling over thousand copies in a month, ?MTV Sound Trippin? broke all the conventional barriers to be known as the most unique music show on television ever. This July, the avant-garde music director, Sneha Khanwalkar, is back to weave her magic with HTC One presents ?MTV Sound Trippin? Season 2 as she continues with her pursuit of authentic sounds, from July 14, 2013 at 8pm.

Speaking about the new season, Aditya Swamy, EVP & Business Head, MTV India explains, "Sound Trippin was an ambitious music experiment but the response we received from the music fraternity and our viewers/users was incredible. The show itself was refreshingly new, the music was raw yet catchy and the critical acclaim has encouraged us to produce the 2nd season. This reinforces MTV?s position as trendsetters in the curating and presenting music. With a different theme and new territories, the journey from sound to song will continue to fascinate you".

?MTV Sound Trippin? is an original format home grown, conceptualized and owned by MTV. The show follows the journey of sound to song with the multi-talented music genius Sneha as she ventures boldly into the lesser-known India, backpack and recorder in tow, in relentless search of raw sounds. As she explores newer musical mines, she successfully captures the essence of a location or a community giving viewers a glimpse in their lives.

As Season 1 dabbled with capturing sounds from different places that best represented them, in Season 2, MTV Sound Trippin turns the concept around. The second outing of the show will see Sneha go to different places in search of one kind of sound. These unique sounds will embody nine universal themes - Healing, Comedy, Toys, Strength, Women, History, Movement, Food, etc. Sneha will travel to multiple places she might find sounds to fit the themes, the sounds will range from a traffic jam in a metro city, chirping of birds in a sanctuary, laughter of an audience to the flapping of currency notes in the counting machine and rappelling to the commotion on a construction site depending on the episode?s theme. Furthermore, every theme will have a face and a day in his/ her life will be shown through the themes.

Elated to commence her journey, Sneha Khanwalkar, the Contemporary Music Director and host, explains "This season of MTV Sound Trippin will take the audience on a completely different musical journey. It is different from the first season yet keeping intact the essence of the show. With Season 2 we go to multiple locations, discover multiple sounds to match one particular theme. I am super kicked about this season?s concept as the search for music sees no boundaries. These themes are something we encounter on an everyday basis. Creating music out of the usual sounds one hears every single minute is a challenge as well as learning for me."

The debut season of MTV Sound Trippin in 2012 received rave reviews for its uniqueness and content. Tung-tung and Yere-yere became mega hits enjoying extensive mobile downloads with multiple requests across radio stations. With Season 2, MTV Sound Trippin aims to bring back the magic as it creates melodies with the most unexpected instruments. Come, be a part of this melodious search of music and experience its creation from the very sounds you are surrounded by.

Embark on a Journey of Sound to Song Across India with Sneha Khanwalkar only on MTV starting June 14, 2013, every Sunday, 8pm
