CBS acquires comedy script of Gail Berner's 'Books'

CBS acquires comedy script of Gail Berner's 'Books'

MUMBAI: CBS has acquired a comedy script by Gail Lerner. The project, which will be produced by Warner Bros. TV, has received a pilot commitment. Tentatively titled Open Books, it revolves around book editor June and her circle of friends.

Books was based on an idea Lerner had been developing for years. Her script has been inspired by the time she spent in the publishing world at the beginning of her career and by the experiences of her sister Betsy who worked as a book editor for 15 years.

Open Books refers to the name of the publishing house at the center of the show. "It also applies to all of the characters, but especially June, somebody who leads with her heart and can‘t help but get over-involved in the lives of her friends, her mother and her clients.