New York Film Academy to launch India outfit in 2012

New York Film Academy to launch India outfit in 2012

New York Film Academy

New Delhi: The New York Film Academy, along with the AMR Group, is set to launch its first branch in India in 2012 with its first campus being set in Greater Noida.

The Academy has shown keen interest to have Bollywood celebrities as guest lecturers. Said New York Film Academy president marketing and business development Kitty Koo, "Just like we invite guests from Hollywood, we would definitely like to invite guest lecturers from Bollywood because it’s quite inspiring for the students. We approached some of the Bollywood actors, but unfortunately their philosophy is all about money. We follow a philosophy which is giving back and sharing with students. Hollywood celebrities enjoy teaching, they want to share what they have. The fee that Bollywood celebs asked was shocking. "

The Academy boasts of guest lecturers like filmmaker Steven Speilberg and Kevin Spacey. The Academy hopes to fly them down to India for a lecture at their campus here.

"We have different guest lecturers in our campuses like Speilberg and Spacey and hopefully when the Delhi school is launched we would happily arrange for their visit based on their itinerary because sometimes they are not easy to get," Koo added.

The New York Film Academy started in 1992 in Robert DeNiro`s Tribecca Film Center and started offering innovative curriculum and intensive hands on filmmaking programsme. Later it expanded to Manhattan, Soho, and Los Angeles. It also has its campuses in Abu Dhabi, Brisbane and New South Wales.