ESG takes firm stand on illegal shoots in Goa, opens helpline

ESG takes firm stand on illegal shoots in Goa, opens helpline


MUMBAI: After receiving several complaints of illegal film shootings being carried out in Goa, the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG) has taken a firm stand and opened a helpline to report such cases.

According to the society, the shootings, scripts of which are not approved by the ESG might project Goa in a negative light. “It is noticed that a number of film shoots are carried out without authorised permission or illegal, resulting in extreme damage to public property and loss of revenue to the Government,” the ESG said in a press note.

ESG, established in 2004, is a nodal agency in the organisation of the International Film Festival of India and also for issuing film shooting permissions for Goa.

It may be noted that ESG officials, with police assistance in tow, have stopped a number of illegal film shoots.