Entries invited for IAAC New York Indian film fest

Entries invited for IAAC New York Indian film fest

IAAC New York

NEW DELHI: The New York Indian Film Festival has invited entries for their next edition to be held in May next year.

The films will be in four categories: fictional features which are above forty minutes, fictional shorts under forty minutes, documentaries of above 40 minutes and those that are below forty minutes. The Festival will be held from 1 to 5 May.

The Festival will feature Indian Diaspora Cinema with films that feature the work of Filmmakers, Actors, Writers, Directors of South Asian descent living outside the sub continent. This may include films made by Non-South Asians that feature significant South Asian content, inspiration, subject matter.

It will also have Indian independent cinema for films from the Indian subcontinent with a unique voice/message that may be labeled alternate, arthouse, reality, noir or independent cinema.

While the regular deadline is 24 December, films can also be accepted by 8 February.

A full list of acceptable film formats is available on Withoutabox and those unsure of whether their film is eligible for submission can write to [email protected]