Livpure launches new TVC showcasing Allura Premia water purifier

Livpure launches new TVC showcasing Allura Premia water purifier

It’s time to address the elephant in the kitchen!


Mumbai: Livpure, a leading consumer electronics brand in India, launched a captivating television commercial (TVC) to introduce its new Livpure Allura Premia water purifier that comes with an embedded service of 30 months. The freshly introduced ad campaign, which will air on Star Sports during the T20 World Cup and other news channels (Hindi & regional), makes use of a light-hearted approach to highlight the complexities of maintaining a regular water purifier, by using elephant as a metaphor!

The TVC opens with a man in different parts of the city proudly strolling with an elephant. Onlookers are making fun of him with reactions that perfectly capture the absurdity of the situation. He enters the home and his wife expresses her disappointment. The major reveal happens when we see he was all along carrying a normal water purifier.

Just like the unexpected challenges of caring for an elephant, maintaining a normal water purifier can be a real burden. That's where the Livpure Allura Premia steps in, offering a solution which is first time in the water industry.


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Livpure’s brand ambassador Sachin Tendulkar arrives on the scene with a solution: the Livpure Allura Premia.  Sachin emphasizes the product's key proposition – 30 months of free maintenance warranty. The commercial concludes with the couple happily embracing their new Livpure Allura Premia, leaving the elephantine burden behind.

This March, Livpure launched a big game changer in the water purifier market through a never-done-before proposition of embedded service.  Allura Premia - the latest new launch in the water purifier category beyond its product benefits gives the consumer a 30-month free service warranty. This has already started to create a big impact in the market solving a big pain point of the Indian consumer around cost of maintaining a water purifier.

Livpure emphasizes Allura Premia's advanced 10-stage filtration process, ensuring the complete removal of viruses and bacteria. Additionally, the copper and alkaline features highlight the product's commitment to not only clean but also healthy and refreshing drinking water. The TVC concludes with a clear message: “Choose Livpure Allura Premia for a convenient and superior water purification experience, leaving the maintenance hassles behind.”

Commenting on the launch, Livpure MD Rakesh Kaul said, “At Livpure, we firmly believe that one’s access to clean water is everyone’s right. We strive for making water more inclusive and affordable to people at large. This is the reason why we developed the Livpure Allura Premia that comes with 30 months of free maintenance. It allows families to focus on what truly matters – enjoying the peace of mind that comes with pure, healthy drinking water for everyone in the household”.

With a vision of providing products that are crafted for everyone’s well-being, Livpure offers a comprehensive range of water purifiers, air coolers, kitchen appliances, mattresses, and other sleep solutions.