Wunderman Thompson releases third edition of B2B Future Shopper report

Wunderman Thompson releases third edition of B2B Future Shopper report

Indian B2B buyers rank as the most frustrated buyers.

Mumbai: The third edition of Wunderman Thompson commerce &  technology’s B2B Future Shopper report, has been launched. Providing a deep dive into 11  international markets (including India) and 2,261 B2B buyers, the report offers an  unparalleled view into the world of commerce and B2B buying behaviour, to help  businesses win online.

B2B Buyers often want to get through the purchase process, from inspiration to  purchase, as quickly as possible. We call this “compressed commerce” and those  businesses, retailers and marketplaces that can do this best, often find themselves  winning against their online competition. Indian B2B buyers are those that want  “compressed commerce” the most (94 per cent).

Indian B2B buyers are more likely to buy from a supplier that inspires them. The most  commonly used source of inspiration was suppliers’ websites and mobile sites (39 per cent  and 40 per cent respectively), followed by suppliers’ apps (35 per cent for both categories of  purchase). When it comes to starting the B2B buying process, the report revealed  that 67 per cent of all B2B buyers start their purchase journeys online with Indian B2B  buyers ranking the highest.

One of the key methods of communicating with B2B Buyers, when they are online and  on websites, is online and video chat. The report findings reveal that overall, this functionality, whilst used, is not used regularly. Although it is no surprise to see Indian  B2B buyers top this list, further cementing their role as real B2B digital embracers.

Indian buyers also rank as the most frustrated buyers buying B2B products online,  and rank the highest when it comes to switching their suppliers vis-à-vis among their  global counterparts.

The role of sustainability and the environment in business operations has never been  more important. In B2C, we are seeing consumers demand that the businesses they  buy from conduct themselves properly and with the long-term future of our planet in  mind. With purpose and sustainability feeding through the entire supply chain, Indian B2B buyers are the most likely to buy from a supplier who has a greater purpose that  goes beyond selling goods and services.

Hugh Fletcher, global head of consultancy and innovation at Wunderman Thompson commerce & technology, said, “Just like regular consumers, B2B buyers want a more immersive, omnichannel experience and the same attention that is often afforded to B2C shoppers. Whether it’s selling through the metaverse, partnering  with a marketplace or optimising through mobile sites, it’s essential that businesses  listen to their clients’ pain points and deliver a tailored experience.

“But as important as developing the best digital experience is, business cannot forget the importance of building genuine, human relationships; particularly with the wider societal shift to work from home. Finding the perfect mix and balance of digital and personal interaction is vital. And, with multiple channels to pick from, B2B buying has changed much since 2020. The onus is on B2B vendors to deliver their buyers the right products, at the right price, through the best omni-channel experiences.”  

Link to the report - The B2B Future Shopper Report 2023 (wundermanthompson.com)