Crayons wins 2 golds, 1 silver, and 3 bronzes as India’s largest independent agency at ABBYs

Crayons wins 2 golds, 1 silver, and 3 bronzes as India’s largest independent agency at ABBYs

Crayons Advertising won across categories and campaigns.


Mumbai: In a triumph for independent spirit and creativity, Crayons Advertising won across categories and campaigns. The independent agency competed against big international names from the industry, relying not on the strength of numbers but on passion and dedication.

The Delhi-headquartered agency’s team took home 2 golds and a silver for a campaign advertising themselves called Creatively Independent Since 1986, 2 bronzes for Woodpecker Beer’s Legally Mandated Glassware campaign and 1 bronze for Clove Dental’s Teeth Have Feelings Too.

Crayon’s chief strategy officer Samir Datar reflected on the wins, saying: “Last year, we took home one bronze ABBY. This year, we proved it wasn’t a fluke, but the start of something bigger. To win for our very own Crayons campaign is especially sweet. We truly believe in what we do, and to win as an independent agency in a field full of massive names felt special. It was an emotional time for each and every team member present, which says a lot about the passion and pride we take in our work. Watch out for us next year!”

Crayons executive creative director Manoj Jacob added, “Crayons, yeah we’re different. We don’t have 100 people ideating with the specific intention of picking up metal, just a handful of damn good people doing damn good work. And these awards are testament to what a small team like ours, can do with just good old day-to-day advertising.”