WolfzHowl wins brand purposing mandate for Tea Valley

WolfzHowl wins brand purposing mandate for Tea Valley

Aims to create a brand with an in-depth consumer connect and high recall.


Mumbai: Brand strategy consultancy WolfzHowl Strategic Instigations has been mandated by Tea Valley, a rapidly growing tea brand, for crafting its brand purpose. The decision is in line with Tea Valley’s plans to create a brand with an in-depth consumer connect and high recall by leveraging WolfzHowl’s best-in-class brand purposing and strategy expertise.

WolfzHowl lead - integrated strategy & partner Prerna Dubey Gupta said, “We are excited to have Tea Valley on-board with us as it’s one of the fastest growing tea brands. Purpose is a way to create sustainable profitability for the brand and its people; to do that for a wonderful brand like Tea Valley in a challenging and crowded tea category is really exciting for us. As an integrated brand consultancy with expertise of more than eight years in creating brand purpose across categories, we are cognisant of the fact that the end output should not be just a purpose-sounding film or a positioning brand with a bunch of CSR initiatives. While crafting brand purpose, what we aim for is to truly make a difference to people’s life while being extremely profitable with a high impact in the market.”

Tea Valley marketing manager Vallabh Keswani said, “We recognised early on that brand purposing can make a significant difference to the lives of people and communities, which ultimately creates lasting value and differentiation for brands, much beyond just profitability on its own. Tea as a product is highly penetrated and the presence of local jewels is pretty dominant so every market would require a different strategy and identifying a purpose early will also bring in consistency in brand communication. For this, we looked at a lot of agencies and figured out that Wolfzhowl was the best consultancy to partner with. Their deep understanding of the consumer as well as the tea market is what swayed us in their favour."