PAD wins digital marketing mandate for ITC Aashirvaad Spices

PAD wins digital marketing mandate for ITC Aashirvaad Spices

ITC Aashirvaad Spices taps PAD for product launch.

Gautam Reddy-PAD

Mumbai: ITC Aashirvaad Spices, a prominent name in the Indian spice industry, has chosen PAD as their trusted partner for an all-encompassing solution that includes packaging and launch campaigns for their upcoming product line. PAD has also been awarded the responsibility of managing its digital marketing mandates for the regions of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka.

PAD will orchestrate the introduction of their upcoming spices into the market, employing dynamic launch campaigns. These campaigns will blend a creative mix of marketing, advertising, and promotional efforts, with the objective of generating a buzz and cultivating interest among the target audience. Moreover, the approach will be meticulously region-specific, centring on the authentic essence of each locality. This region-focused strategy is poised to not only reach the target audience but, more importantly, to foster a profound resonance with their culture, thereby nurturing a robust and enduring connection with the local communities.

Furthermore, PAD will manage Aashirvaad Spices' digital marketing mandates in the regions of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka. Loose spice mixes in India are a fast-growing category, particularly in urbanized regions like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka, where ITC Foods Group has a strong presence. This comprehensive approach includes overseeing the brand's online presence across various digital platforms, curating engaging content, implementing effective digital campaigns, and closely monitoring the brand's online reputation. The aim is to enhance Aashirvaad Spices' digital footprint, ensuring that it aligns with the preferences and aspirations of its local customer base.

PAD Digital business head Tej Naidu shared, "Our collaboration with Aashirvaad Spices is particularly captivating, driven by their unwavering dedication to quality and innovation. This synergy is pivotal in cultivating regional awareness. Our approach prioritizes the creation of region-specific strategies, allowing us to tap into the genuine essence of each area. By incorporating local languages, we deepen the impact and effectiveness of brand communication with the audience. These collective efforts pave the way for heightened brand visibility, expanded market share, increased audience engagement, and, above all, unwavering brand loyalty. Our association with Aashirvaad Spices underscores our commitment to delivering culturally authentic experiences in vibrant regions.

PAD CEO and managing director Gautam Reddy stated, "At PAD, we are thrilled to be chosen as the strategic partner for Aashirvaad Spices. This partnership presents a wonderful opportunity to infuse creativity into their brand and create campaigns that will resonate with their audience."