New Zealand Tourism launches online planner

New Zealand Tourism launches online planner

MUMBAI: Tourism New Zealand has introduced online travel planner. In order to plan one's vacations tourism New Zealand now offers online travel planner at This site leads one to see New Zealand lead in the way online destination marketing.

'Travel Planner' on is the first time that travellers have been given such a user friendly option to plan their vacations.

The website will give you a chance to access the travel planner; a unique feature of the site. The site has been desinged in three steps to plan vacation, states an official release.

As a first step - The planner will let users zoom down to street level details of a map of New Zealand, pick up attractions, accommodation or transport details that may appeal to them and drop them into what is effectively a shopping basket.
Secondly, the planner allows users to place their selected activities and locations into a calendar - prompting the user to make transport decisions when selecting activities from different locations. Travel Planner offers route recommendations to help you get between the locations you want to visit.

The third step streams the itinerary - one can easily share your plans with friends and family by emailing your itinerary to others. Another novel feature that this site offers is the fact that you can share your Travel planner with a Travel Agent with experience who can assist with bookings. Even after you get to New Zealand, you can take your Travel Planner to a visitor information centre for more local information, adds the release.

The website already has over three million user sessions a year and has also won an 'international Webby award' for best tourism website in the world earlier this year.