Emirates shortlists Grey, Everest from a pool of four agencies

Emirates shortlists Grey, Everest from a pool of four agencies

NEW DELHI: Dubai-based Emirates Airline has short-listed two agencies Grey Worldwide and Everest Integrated Communications for its Indian sub-continent advertising account.
Besides Grey and Everest, the other two agencies, which were in the fray, included Ogilvy & Mather and Lowe. The client team, which has reached the final stage after two rounds of presentations, is expected to finalise its agency soon.

"Emirates reviewed its advertising resources for the Indian sub-continent and the new agency would not only handle India (advertising account) but would also be the co-ordination point for Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Decision on the final agency would be taken by end September 2003," says a communiqué from Emirates Airline's public relations agency.

On the due course, the statement added that the client "will be conducting reference checks at the local station level in all the four markets to choose between Grey and Everest."

The criteria for short-listing the agencies included evaluation of the "network capabilities, understanding of the brief, creative/media
capabilities and financials." While the first presentation was credential-based, the second one was relatively more exhaustive; and it included assessment of several factors including response to the brief by the client and other strategic inputs.

Grey India, which has performed fairly well in the recent past, is optimistic about the outcome. On agency's decent run of late, Grey's managing director Nirvik Singh, says, "This is due to a combination of several factors. Firstly, we have an active account planning cell. We are being invited for every pitch, which is taking place. We have also hired new creative people and the entire focus is on building brands."

Emirates Airline has been releasing print advertisements on continuous basis here. For instance, one of its campaigns in the past, focused on comfortable and luxurious traveling experience provided by the airline. "Why can't life always be this good?" says the text of the campaign, which highlights Emirates' value-added services.