Commflash technology improves Pop ads effectiveness: study

Commflash technology improves Pop ads effectiveness: study

LOS ANGELES: FPBA Group a provider of advertising tools for online publishers, and Grokster a provider of peer-to-peer file-sharing technology have announced the results of a study, conducted over 1,000,000 impressions. The study established that integrating Commflash technology with other advertising methods significantly improves the effectiveness and return upon advertising investment.

The study compared the use of banners, pop-ups and pop-under advertisements, compared to integrating these forms of advertising together with Commflash interstitials, measured by click-through-activity. The effectiveness of the Commflash-enhanced pop-under advertisements improved by 21 per cent compared to those without the enhancement. The improved effectiveness of Commflash-enhanced pop-up advertisements was even more impressive -- more than doubling, improving CTA rates by over 120 per cent. In fact, effectiveness of COMMFLASH enhanced pop-up advertisements was higher by over 20 per cent than pop-under advertisements, with or without COMMFLASH enhancements. Commflash also enhanced regular 468x60 banner-ads, improving CTA rates by 6 per cent. .

Commflash commercials are launched when users exit or enter a web-page, taking over the browser session, while the requested web-page is downloaded to the users' computer. Commflash uses a technology substantively different than the dhtml layer type technologies. The Commflash advertisement is viewed in the same browser session, so that pop-zappers have no effect. The study also showed that use of pop-zappers is more wide-spread than initially anticipated. Over 20 per cent of on-line users zap away the pop advertisement before it even appears on their computer, even though the advertisers and publishers pay for these lost impressions.

End-users have been voting with their feet, shying away from pop advertisements, especially the pop-up windows that interfere with the overall surfing experience. In advertising there are the 3-P's -- the publisher, the promoter and the purchaser. One cannot disregard any of these P's without affecting the value of the advertising transaction.

California based FPBA Group has developed and is licensing the rights to its proprietary and patent-pending non-zapable Commflash Technology. FPBA says that its aim is to provide a standard-setting advertising format that meets the traditional brand building needs of advertisers in an environment that ensures the continual seamless and uninterrupted browsing activities of the end user.