Weekend Unwind with Recode Studios co-founder Dheeraj Bansal

Weekend Unwind with Recode Studios co-founder Dheeraj Bansal

The latest in the series of informal chats with industry execs in our weekend special.

Dheeraj Bansal

Mumbai: With another weekend upon us, it is time to unwind with the latest Q&A edition of Indiantelevision.com’s Weekend Unwind—a series of informal chats that peek into the minds of business executives through a fun lens in an attempt to get to know the person behind the title a little better.

In this week’s session, we have Recode co-founder Dheeraj Bansal.

Without a further ado, here it goes..

1. Your mantra for life

Ans. My mantra for life is straightforward: honesty and hard effort. The basis for long-term success and personal fulfillment, in my opinion, is complete dedication to one's objectives combined with unflinching honesty in all transactions. My judgments and actions are guided by this motto, which guarantees honesty and diligence in all that I do.

2. Your fitness mantra, especially during the pandemic

Ans: Consistency over intensity. During the pandemic, my fitness mantra has been to focus on maintaining a regular routine, no matter how small the effort. Whether it's a short walk, a quick workout, or a few minutes of stretching, staying consistent helps keep both the body and mind in balance.

3. Your comfort food

Ans. Chapati with pulses is my comfort food. After a long day, I can have a hearty, satisfying supper that makes me miss home. My favorite meal to have when I'm craving something warm and filling is chapati and pulses because of their simplicity and nutritional value.

4. A quote or philosophy that keeps you going when the chips are down

Ans: When the chips are down, I remind myself that integrity and relentless dedication are the cornerstones of true success and this is one quote that keeps me going on in life.

5. The last time you tried something new

Ans: The last time I tried something new was when I started learning to play the guitar. It's been a fun and challenging experience for me which not only helped me express myself but also relax and unwind.

6. A life lesson you learned the hard way

Ans. One thing I've learnt the hard way in life is to always take the lead when an issue comes up. In addition to facilitating more efficient problem-solving, taking initiative and meeting obstacles head-on builds team confidence and trust. I've learned from this strategy how crucial aggressive leadership and perseverance are to conquering challenges.

7. What gets you excited about life?

Ans: The endless potential for growth and discovery is what gets me excited about my life. Whether it's learning something new, exploring different cultures, or tackling a creative project, the opportunity to continuously evolve and experience new things fuels my enthusiasm for life.

8. If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?

Ans: Don't be afraid to take risks and embrace challenges. Every obstacle is an opportunity to grow, and every failure is a step closer to success. Stay true to your values, work hard, and trust in the journey.

9. One thing you would most like to change about the world

Ans: Bringing a culture of empathy and understanding is one thing I would most likely to change about the world. If people took the time to truly listen to and appreciate each other's perspectives, we could build a more compassionate and harmonious world.

10. An activity that keeps you motivated and charged during tough times

Ans: Writing in my journal keeps me motivated and charged. It helps me reflect on my thoughts, clarify my emotions, and set achievable goals, providing a sense of direction and purpose even in challenging moments.

11. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

Ans: When life gets me down, what lifts my spirits is the support of loved ones and the simple joys of everyday life. Spending time with family and friends, enjoying nature, or diving into a good book reminds me of the beauty and positivity that exists all around us.

12. Your go-to stress buster

Ans. Yoga is my go-to method for reducing stress. Amid a hectic schedule, it helps me keep my equilibrium and lucidity. Regular yoga practice helps me focus better, feel less stressed, and maintain physical fitness. It's a comprehensive strategy that complements both my personal and professional lives and guarantees that I'm constantly performing at my best.