Virgio earns PETA certification for ethical fashion

Virgio earns PETA certification for ethical fashion

Virgio reaffirms commitment to ethical practices, animal welfare and eco-friendly fashion.


Mumbai: Virgio, the pioneering sustainable fashion brand, is proud to announce that it has officially received the PETA Approved Vegan certification. This significant milestone underscores Virgio’s unwavering commitment to ethical practices, animal welfare, and pro-planet fashion.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is the largest animal rights organisation in the world, with more than 6.5 million members and supporters. Every year, billions of animals suffer and die for clothing and accessories. The fashion industry has long been criticised for its exploitation of animals, involving practices that are often hidden from the public eye. From the use of fur, leather, wool, and silk to testing products on animals, the industry has a substantial impact on animal welfare. Annually, millions of animals are subjected to cruelty and inhumane conditions to meet the demands of fashion consumers.

Virgio has been at the forefront of transforming the fashion industry by embracing sustainable & ethical fashion.  Achieving PETA approval is a testament to Virgio’s mission. Virgio uses vegan materials that are cruelty-free such as natural fabrics, recycled fabrics, and other plant-based alternatives to traditional animal-derived products. This ensures that no animals are harmed in the creation of the collections.

“We are thrilled to be recognized by PETA for our commitment to cruelty-free and ethical fashion,” said Virgio co-founder and CEO Amar Nagaram stated. “This certification aligns with our core values of ethics, transparency, innovation, and responsibility towards our planet and all its inhabitants. It is a significant step forward in our mission to create fashion that respects the environment and its inhabitants.”

Virgio's PETA  Approved Vegan status assures consumers that no animal-derived materials are used in the creation of its products. The certification process involved rigorous scrutiny of Virgio’s supply chain, materials, and manufacturing processes to ensure compliance with PETA’s stringent standards.

“We believe in fashion that lasts longer, looks better, and does no harm,” Amar Nagaram added. “Our partnership with PETA strengthens our resolve to lead the industry towards a more humane and sustainable future.”

Virgio invites customers to join in its journey towards ethical fashion by choosing products that are kind to animals and the environment.