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  • I've learned almost everything in life from Dad - Ravi Chopra

    Submitted by ITV Production on May 19

    Living upto the Chopra surname is no mean task. After taking on the mantle from his illustrious & legendary father B R Chopra, Ravi Chopra has defintely emerged onto his own and carved out a niche for himself as a successful filmmaker and a television producer.

    When we get Ravi Chopra talking about his father, there's obviously affection and awe in his voice- Very nonchalantly, he says, "though I have come onto my own, dad has always been and will always be a great influence in my life. And this is not just professionally but even in shaping up my values and determining the kind of person. Apart from being a very doting and loving father, he has been a guiding force all my life. As creative professionals we not just share ideas but sometimes even run down ideas."

    He further continues, "Of course, since I was born into the Chopra family, I was destined to join the film industry. But what Dad taught me is that filmmaking and television is not all about entertainment - but entertainment that is socially relevant. So, if its a film like Zameer, then it dealt with a man's conscience, Mazdoor, was based on the eternal conflict between labour-vs-capital and in the recent times Baagban which was about old age and family values."

    Chopra who is currently putting his final touches for his next television property called Viraasat, recalls his early life and how dad really helped him shape up all the way.

    I have beautiful memories of living in a joint family
    I have some very beautiful memories of staying in a joint family. As a three old, I remember, we lived in a close-knit and a traditional household. I can still vividly recall our old house. It was a very small & beautiful two BHK house in Juhu, called Sangeeta apartments. Even Yash Uncle used to stay with us. After coming here from Pakistan, Dad had shifted here during the 1950s.

    We used to pay a rent of Rs 230 there. A small and cozy nest which we loved so much that even when our new house was built in 1970s, we didn't want to shift there. Those were the struggling days for my father and the only time we used to find time together was during our holidays. He used to take us for family holidays during our holidays.

    Education and family values are very important
    During his struggling days, Dad used to be very busy. I used to try and help him at the shoots. I assisted him on Humraaz while I was still in college and later on Aadmi Aur Insaan. In fact, I was all ready to leave college and do films with him. But, somehow, he always wanted me to study further. The value of good education has always stayed with me. Later, when I fianly joined him as an assistant,it was a great high. I learned almost everything about film making from Dad. Films for the family audience, social issues have also been themes close to out heart.

    Dad doesn't keep too well nowadays
    Dad formed BR films in 1955 to do meaningful cinema. So, no matter what others in the market keep doing, he was committed to social themes and family values.

    Till date, I have tried to carry his vision and passion forward. Nowadays, since Dad doesn't keep too well, he doesn't really come on the sets. But I always seek his advice. Whenever I have an idea, I tell him and vice versa.

    On the making of the epic Mahabharat

    On a creative level we share camaraderie. I worked very closely with Dad on the making of Mahabharata. I think, it became more interesting and popular because it was more contemporary as well as relevant to people's mindset. Mahabharata was addressed to the man of today trapped in the throes of a war-like situation in the society. Now, I desire to make a remake of Mahabharata as a movie and release it internationally.

    Baghban was influenced by my parents
    My mother and father share a very strong and loving relationship. As a husband and wife they share a special bond. The character of Amitabhji and Hemaji was actually etched from my life. Till date my parents enjoy their ritual of having a cup of tea together. I would say Baghban was really a gift to my parents.

    Creative differences with Dad
    I wouldn't call them differences but sometime we do have different ideas and as creative people we take a call on what goes best with the story. For Baghban, Dad wanted a different ending. He wanted the story to end in the court but someone that's not what I had visualised. So, finally I went ahead with my idea.

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  • From Sheldon To Ludlum - Brandon de Souza

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 25

    Brandon de Souza, managing director, Tiger Sports Marketing, is one of the most recognized figures on the Indian golf scene. In his 32-year association with golf, he has viewed the game from every possible angle. He tells Nidhi Jain about his taste in books.

    Who introduced you to reading?
    Runs in the family - mom, dad and two elder sisters being voracious readers. Before retiring to bed a few pages from a book was the order of the day so from Noddy & Big Ears, Famous Five, Billy Bunter etc., all became a habit.

    Kind of book collection you have
    Limited now to ones I have particularly enjoyed and still find practical in my day to day life. Mark McCormack's 'What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School, What they still don't teach you at Harvard Business School'. Jack Welch's 'Straight from the Gut', Shiv Khera's 'Winners Don't Do Different Things, They Do Them differently'.

    Taste in books
    Easy to read from Sheldon to Ludlum.

    What do you think of self help books?
    Do not subscribe to them.

    Money and time spent on books
    Limited as my friends' circle ensure we share all books worth a read.

    Your reading pace
    Really quick, mostly at airports waiting for planes.

    Your first book

    Browsing and e-reading

    Currently you are reading
    Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt.

    Books that do not hold you
    Science fiction.

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