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  • John Abraham joins Animal Planet to raise awareness on tiger conservation

    Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 28
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Bollywood actor John Abraham joins Animal Planet to raise awareness about tiger conservation in India. Next month Abraham will share his personal message with the viewers in Animal Planet?s special programming line-up ?Where Tigers Rule? to protect the magnificent animal.

    ?Where Tigers Rule?, the month long celebration of tigers, kicks off on 1 March and will air every night at 9 pm.

    The show will aim to enlighten viewers about tigers? behaviour, predatory skills, family life and issues related to illegal poaching. It will feature man-eating tigers from Sunderbans, the motherly love of a tigress in Bandhavgarh, a family of tigers in Ranthambore forest, amongst others.

    Supporting the conservation of Tigers, Abraham said, "The Tiger is the most magnificent animal and its protection and preservation is of national importance. Each of us should contribute in our own way and help increase awareness levels to secure the future of wild tigers. It is a great initiative by Animal Planet to dedicate one full month to tigers, where viewers can enjoy superb programmes and get to know more about the big cat?s behaviour, hunting habits and habitats."

    Discovery South Asia senior VP, GM Rahul Johri said, "Animal Planet is India?s foremost wildlife destination that offers immersive, engaging and high quality entertainment to viewers. Where Tigers Rule is a unique initiative that leverages Animal Planet?s reach and popularity to create awareness and support the national cause of tiger conservation."

    John Abraham
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