• Hathway launches music channel in Bangalore

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 29
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Hathway Cable & Datacom has launched a Hindi music channel, Hathway Music, on its digital cable network in Bangalore.

    Hathway Music will be initially available in Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, Indore, Jaipur, Hyderabad and now in Bangalore.

    The channel will showcase Bollywood songs from the golden classics of 50s-60s to the melodious hits of 80s-90s to the latest Bollywood hits of today.

    A non-stop music channel playing back-to-back Hindi film songs packaged with appealing graphics depicting the theme of Bollywood music with various other aspects of Hindi film music.

    Hathway Cable and Datacom head-channel business Haresh Gehaney said, "There will be no anchors hosting any shows or distracting viewers with their never ending talks but shall give the audience nonstop super-hit film songs without any interruptions thus giving a complete dose of entertainment and very soon English content will also be added."

    Hathway Music shall have different categories/themes such as Down Memory Lane, Music Stars, Smash Hits, Bollywood Beats, Jumping Jacks, Dancing Queens, and Romantic Melodies.

    Hathway Cable
  • Youth channels no more charmed by Bollywood music

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 26
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: Bollywood music is slowly losing its charm among the youth and music channels as it does not bring any exclusivity or premium value. The main reason: similar content is also available on multiple platforms.

    So does that mean that the viewer is no longer looking for the feel of FM radio in the visual space? Is this the reason behind Channel [V]?s latest announcement of doing away with music content completely?

    The answer is yes. Bollywood Music has become a commodity and the players are not making the moolah.

    So has Channel [V] taken a wise decision to move away from Bollywood music? Answers Channel [V] EVP and GM Prem Kamath, ?We didn?t want to be a commodity channel. We were working on this strategy since over two-and-a-half years and we built it in phases as the cost of original content is too high compared to music. But yes, we are making good progress as the time spent on the channel is too high and all our shows are getting good numbers.?

    Last year, the whole youth and music genre got divided into two categories? pure play music channels and youth channels. However, it seems that now there will be four. There will be pure music, gossipy and news-based (Zoom, UTV Stars, E24), youth channels which also air music content (MTV, Bindass), and youth content channels (Channel [V]).

    Explains MTV India EVP and business head Aditya Swamy, ?Music in itself has two different categories today. One is acquired music that is Bollywood and all the channels are just platform providers. The second is original music, upon which MTV is focusing more. With shows like Coke Studio, Sound Trippin, and Unplugged, we have created over 150 songs in the last one year. So there is definitely a market.?

    These channels need to differentiate in a cluttered market. And by virtue of being a youth nation with 70 per cent youth population, all the channels have youth viewers. So the music channels claim to be youth channels in disguise, says a senior media executive.

    Flarepath president Saurabh Kanwar, who has worked at both MTV and Channel [V], believes that music is harder to monetise as it is the same content. "It will, however, continue to survive on channels for some more time. What has changed today is that consumption of music videos has become an internet phenomenon. Ultimately, digital will change the way the channels air content in future. Having said that, original content is very expensive compared to music and it may work on branded platforms because of the legacy.?

    But does that mean that music channels will not survive? 9X Media EVP Punit Pandey believes that there is enough market for both the genres to co-exist. ?Why then are so many pure play music channels launching if there is no scope? Our research shows that a viewer knows what he or she wants. If he wants music, he comes to music channels like ours. If he wants fiction or nonfiction shows, he goes to such channels. And monetisation is merely a reflection of performance.?

    The genre has 19 players fighting over Rs 3.5-4 billion that they have to share amongst themselves a year as they generate 200-240 GRPs (gross rating points) on a weekly basis. This goes to explain their volatile nature.

    Prem Kamath
  • 9XM launches new property 'Goli Mat De'

    Submitted by ITV Production on Jun 06
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: 9XM, 9X Media?s flagship Hindi music channel, is launching a new property with its popular animated characters Bade-Chote of Bakwaas Band Kar.

    The new Bollywood show, titled ?Goli Mat De?, will feature the animated duo armed with a sharp sense of humor and will take on the bizarre happenings from the world of Bollywood!

    9X Media Sr VP and content head Amar Tidke said, "The madcap combo of Bade-Chote are up to no good yet again! This time around they target Bollywood parties and events to get our viewers their daily dose of Bollywood gossip?that never actually happened! The show explores new heights of humor and absurdity in the classic Bakwaas Bandh Kar style. In all honesty?viewers will truly enjoy? ?Goli Mat De?!

    Goli Mat De
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