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  • CNN-IBN to air The Bollywood Roundtable 2012

    Submitted by ITV Production on Dec 29
    indiantelevision.com Team

    MUMBAI: CNN-IBN is all set to host a special series The Bollywood Roundtable 2012.

    In the show, the best directors and actors of Bollywood, whose movies and performances redefined mainstream cinema in 2012, will be seen talking about their roles, films and movie-making with Rajeev Masand.

    The channel will air the episode with Directors on 29 December at 10.30 pm and with actors on 30 December at 10 pm.

    On 29 December, Masand meets the directors of the 2012?s most successful movies. Anurag Basu (Barfi!), Anurag Kashyap (Gangs of Wasseypur), Sujoy Ghosh (Kahaani), Shoojit Sircar (Vicky Donor) and Gauri Shinde (English Vinglish) come together to talk about the inspiration that enabled them to give a new meaning to mainstream Bollywood.

    On 30 December, Masand will be in conversation with the best actors of the year, talking to them about their films, stardom and retirement plans. Aamir Khan (Talaash), Ranbir Kapoor (Barfi!), Irrfan Khan (Paan Singh Tomar) and Nawazuddin Siddiqui (Gangs of Wasseypur) will be part of the show.

    CNN-IBN executive editor Ritu Kapur said, "With this special show, we aim to bring the best of Bollywood?s directors and actors together, to throw light on what went into their remarkable contributions, in creating phenomenal movies in the year 2012."

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