Five audiobooks to get you started on your yoga journey

Five audiobooks to get you started on your yoga journey

These titles cater to every aspect of your wellness journey.


Mumbai: Inspired by International Yoga Day? If you want to fit yoga into your busy life, check out our handpicked selection of top yoga audiobooks on Audible. These titles cater to every aspect of your wellness journey, from foundational classes and breathwork to exploring the rich history of the practice and unlocking the power of your chakras. Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your practice, the right guidance can make all the difference. This International Yoga Day, seize the opportunity to explore these top picks, discover firsthand how yoga can transform and align your mind, body, and spirit and embark on your fitness journey!

Yoga Classes for the Complete Beginner

Written and Narrated by: Sue Fuller

Discover the perfect introduction to yoga with ‘Yoga Classes for the Complete Beginner.’ This one offers four gentle, beginner-friendly classes that safely introduce various postures and techniques. Start with this audiobook to build a solid foundation, then move on to the next in the series, ‘More Yoga for the Complete Beginner’ for added variety. Each class is designed to nurture and support your journey into yoga, leaving you feeling refreshed and recharged.

The Tibetan Yoga of Breath

Written by: Anyen Rinpoche, Allison Choying Zangmo; Narrated by: Paul Ansdell

If you’re looking for a simple and engaging guide to achieving wellness and vitality, ‘The Tibetan Yoga of Breath’ is a must listen. Modern science and ancient spiritual traditions recognise breathwork's profound impact on the body, mind, and spirit. This audiobook blends Yantra Yoga techniques with cutting-edge research to provide easy-to-follow practices that deliver transformative results. Whether you're new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, this audiobook opens the door to a healthier and more radiant you.

Complete Book of Yoga

Written by: Swami Vivekananda; Narrated by: Shivam Vig

The ‘Complete Book of Yoga’ offers a deep dive into the ancient practice of yoga. Rooted in the teachings of Swami Vivekananda, it presents the four paths of yoga: karma, bhakti, jnana, and raja. Drawing from the Bhagavad Gita and Patanjali's yoga sutras, these paths cater to different aspects of our being—active, emotional, mystical, and philosophical. This audiobook goes beyond physical exercises, providing timeless wisdom to help listeners achieve spiritual enlightenment and a deeper understanding of themselves.

Unlock the Power of Your Chakras

Written by: Masuda Mohamadi, Anodea Judith - foreword; Narrated by: Siiri Scott

Discover how to achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness with ‘Unlock the Power of Your Chakras.’ This engaging audiobook blends yoga wisdom with practical exercises, including meditations and kriyas, to enhance prosperity, strength, confidence, and clarity. Each chapter focuses on a specific chakra, offering quick-reference guides to assess your energy levels and techniques. Whether you're working through all seven chakras or targeting a specific one, this audiobook makes aligning with your true nature simple and effective!

Story of Yoga

Written by: Alistair Shearer; Narrated by: Bruce Mann

Curious about the origin of yoga? Tune into ‘The Story of Yoga’ to discover the fascinating evolution of yoga. From its roots in ancient Indian spiritual practices to its transformation into a global wellness phenomenon, it offers a unique perspective by situating yoga within its broad cultural context for the first time. With this audiobook, you can discover how the practice travelled from sacred caves to modern gyms and homes, revealing the untold story of yoga and its impact on the world today.