Zoreko has found success through a variety of effective marketing channels: Avanish Agarwal

Zoreko has found success through a variety of effective marketing channels: Avanish Agarwal

The platform offers unique experience within India's gaming landscape.

Avanish Agarwal

Mumbai: With state-of-the-art technologies, immersive VR setups, and a thriving community, Zoreko Original Gamers offers a unique experience within India's burgeoning gaming landscape.

Beyond its technological offerings, they foster a community where gaming enthusiasts can unite, organising competitions and gaining exclusive early access to new games.

Indiantelevision.com caught up with Zoreko Original Gamers consulting CMO Avanish Agarwal, where he shared many additional insights of this platform.

Edited excerpts

On describing the demographic of Zoreko’s audience

 Zoreko's audience is diverse, typically spanning from ages 15 to 35. While predominantly male, there is a growing segment of female gamers. Their interests include arcade gaming, bowling, virtual reality (VR) experiences, and social gaming. This tech-savvy demographic is active on social media and highly engaged in online gaming communities. Zoreko's audience is concentrated in urban and semi-urban areas, with a significant presence in metro cities.

On retaining hardcore gamers and e-sports enthusiasts

Zoreko aims to attract and retain hardcore gamers and sports enthusiasts through a multifaceted approach. This approach includes providing state-of-the-art facilities like high-performance gaming rigs, which we are planning to launch soon, VR setups, and dedicated arenas to ensure an exceptional gaming environment. Regular tournaments with attractive prize pools are also planned, starting from the very first Women’s Bowling Tournament. We are also planning to launch exclusive membership programs that offer perks such as discounted rates, early game access, and access to exclusive events, enhancing member benefits and loyalty. Additionally, Zoreko prioritises community building through active social media engagement, forums, and in-person meetups, fostering a strong and supportive gaming community.

On some cutting-edge technologies you offer that are not commonly found in other gaming centres

Zoreko distinguishes itself by offering cutting-edge technologies rarely found in other gaming centres. This includes advanced VR systems that provide immersive experiences and haptic feedback technology using suits and controllers to enhance realism for interactive environments. High-fidelity simulators cater to racing and other simulations with realistic experiences, while AI-powered game analytics offer detailed insights to help players improve their gaming skills and strategies. These technologies collectively elevate the gaming experience at Zoreko, setting it apart as a hub for innovation and next-level entertainment in the gaming industry. Also what sets us apart is the in-house development of the games that are flagship to Zoreko only!

On the kind of partnerships you have formed with game developers and other stakeholders in the gaming industry

Zoreko has cultivated strategic partnerships across various sectors within the gaming industry. This includes collaborations with prominent game developers to provide exclusive game previews, beta testing opportunities, and co-branded events to enhance the gaming experience. Partnerships with brands to enable Zoreko to host major tournaments and events, fostering a competitive environment for gaming enthusiasts. Additionally, working with tech companies facilitates the integration of cutting-edge hardware and software technologies into Zoreko's gaming centres, ensuring access to the latest technologies. Moreover, Zoreko collaborates with educational institutions to offer internships, workshops, and courses designed to educate and inspire the next generation of game developers and tech enthusiasts and we have also associated with education institutes and offer periodic internships.

On some marketing channels that have been most effective for Zoreko

Zoreko has found success through a variety of effective marketing channels. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Google are vital channels for engaging with a youthful and dynamic audience through compelling content. Collaborations with influential gaming personalities and streamers have proven impactful in promoting the brand to their dedicated fan bases. Online advertising across gaming websites, forums, and targeted social media ads helps Zoreko reach potential customers effectively. Hosting local and regional gaming events serves not only to build brand awareness but also to foster a sense of community among gaming enthusiasts. Marketing campaigns keep Zoreko's audience informed about upcoming events, promotions, and new offerings, ensuring continued engagement and customer retention. We are also creating cutting edge content along with CGI creators to help us drive the engagement.

On some of the biggest challenges you face in marketing Zoreko

Marketing Zoreko presents several formidable challenges that we actively navigate. Keeping pace with rapid technological advancements in the gaming industry is crucial, as well as ensuring we integrate the latest innovations into our offerings. The competitive landscape poses another challenge, requiring us to differentiate ourselves effectively amid numerous established and emerging competitors. Customer retention is also essential, given the high expectations of our demanding and ever-changing customer base. Additionally, fostering and maintaining robust brand awareness across new and existing markets remains a constant focus, ensuring Zoreko remains a recognised leader in the gaming community.

On planning to expand your presence across India or internationally

Zoreko's strategy for expanding its presence involves several key initiatives. We plan to utilise a franchise model to swiftly establish our brand in diverse regions across India and eventually  internationally as well. Collaborating with local partners will enable us to navigate new markets efficiently by leveraging their expertise and networks. Thorough market research guides our expansion efforts, identifying high-potential areas where our gaming centres can thrive. We prioritise offering customised services that cater to the specific demands of each region while upholding our core brand values of innovation and quality. Looking beyond borders, Zoreko aims to enter emerging gaming markets globally, starting with neighbouring countries and progressively expanding to other continents. Our commitment to revolutionizing the gaming experience drives us forward as we strive to create memorable and immersive gaming environments for enthusiasts worldwide.