BCCC advises TV channels against showing acid attacks

Submitted by ITV Production on Aug 16

NEW DELHI: The Broadcast Content Complaints Council (BCCC) has advised all television channels to be ‘extremely sensitive to the excruciating physical and psychological agony of acid attack victims‘ and ‘mitigate the overwhelming implications of any such depiction‘ in their reports.

In an advisory sent to TV channels, the BCCC has said it is time broadcasters were also sensitised against showing acid attacks.

‘This is even more pertinent for various crime-based programmes since these shows often depict an acid attack case in some detail through the dramatised version of a real incident‘, the advisory said.

It said it had received several complaints relating to content that depicts acid attacks in TV programmes. In almost all cases, the targets are women and girls.

The Council considers acid attacks to be ‘among the most heinous of crimes with traumatic, irreversible physical and psychological consequences to the victim‘.

The Supreme Court has taken cognisance of the growing number of acid attacks in India and directed the State to frame and implement most stringent rules to regulate the sale of acid and other corrosive substances.