BBC announces new Audience Research contract and framework

Submitted by ITV Production on Oct 15 Team

MUMBAI: UK pubcaster the BBC has signed a new contract for audience analysis and reporting with Television Research Partnership Ltd (TRP Ltd) after a nine-month procurement process.

The contract covers the bulk of the BBC‘s audience analysis and reporting needs across television, radio and online. This includes a wide range of television overnight reports based on BARB (Broadcasters‘ Audience Research Board) data, extensive quarterly RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) reporting and analysis of BBC online usage using the BBC‘s own iStats system, and reporting on the BBC‘s own tracking studies and panels.

The new contract will commence in January 2013 and initially last for two years, with the provision to extend up to a further two years.

In addition to the main contract with TRP Ltd, BBC Audiences has also entered into a framework agreement with five data analysis agencies that will be able to compete for significant ad hoc data analysis requirements that fall outside the main contract. The agencies in the framework are TRP Ltd, Terrington and Company, GfK NOP, Attentional Ltd and Digital-i Ltd.

BBC head of audiences James Holden said, "This contract and framework is hugely important for BBC Audiences. Having accurate, timely and insightful reporting and data analysis is the bedrock of keeping in touch with how our audiences are behaving in an increasingly complex world.

"Through the procurement process TRP demonstrated the skill, experience and commitment that we need to carry forward this important task and we very much look forward to continuing to work with them in future. We also welcome the opportunity to work with the other agencies in the framework."
