Balaji to stick to making teleserials, rules out starting entertainment channel

Submitted by ITV Production on Feb 23

Sanjay Dosi, CEO Balaji Telefilms Ltd, on Friday categorically ruled out any moves on the part of his company to start an entertainment channel.

"The reasons I had put forth earlier for not going for our own channel are still valid," Dosi said. "Our core competence is making great serials, and that would be compromised if we were to start a channel because our clients would naturally be suspicious that we would reserve our best for our own channel," he had said in an earlier conversation with

He was responding to rumours circulating in the industry that veteran filmstar Jeetendra, whose daughter Ekta kapoor is Balaji‘s creative director, was in Delhi trying to raise money for launching a new channel. An investment of Rs 1 billion was envisaged, it was rumoured.