10,000 set tops to be rolled out in SET encryption

Submitted by ITV Production on May 07

The encryption of Sony Entertainment Television, which goes pay by 30 June, will involve the rollout of 10,000 set top boxes, sources in Sony reveal.

Sony uses Scientific Atlanta set tops which cost roughly Rs 32,000 per box. Cable ops are being subsidised to the tune of Rs 20,000 per box because operators will be paying a total of Rs 12,000 paid in two instalments of Rs 6,000 spread over a year.

Once SET goes pay, all the four channels under the Sony franchise, which includes Max, AXN, and CNBC, will cost Rs 25.50 per subscriber. Working with the calculation that SET will be priced at Rs 8, Max and AXN costing Rs 7 each and CNBC at Rs 3.50 per subscriber, the total is Rs 25.50. However, Sony officials are quick to point out that their channels are not being hocked as a bouquet but will be sold individually.