On Self Help Books, Dale Cornegie And Danelle Steel

Submitted by ITV Production on Jan 09

"As a child, I loved reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Enid Blyton. When I joined college, I started with Mills & Boons but the books didn't really fascinate me. As a matter of fact, I found them to be trash. So, I switched over to Sidney Sheldon and never regretted it.

Those were the days when I had all the time in the world and I could settle down with a book anywhere, anytime. Now, my priority is marriage, motherhood and of course work which leaves me very little leisure time. However, I try to catch up on my reading, either in between shoots or while going through files in office or sometimes even before going to sleep.Holidays are the best time to catch up on my reading, but then I would rather spend some time with my family.
In fiction, I like to read mushy stuff and so pick up novels written by Sandra Brown and Danielle Steel. I am not really cut out for hardcore stuff, and authors like John Grisham don't excite me. Science fiction or spiritual books are again not for me. I like to read only self-help books which sort of give me some direction in life.My favourite books
I have just finished reading Focus by Jack Canfield. The book is all about focusing on a goal. The author emphasises that `goal achieving is a process.' Nothing should come in between one's focused efforts and the goal one has set for oneself. It might take one years to reach our goals, but one has to continue to fight failure and not give up or lose focus.
This book has really inspired me a lot. It has helped me focus on my goal of having more television shows. Eventually, my goal is to make a feature film that would get me international acclaim.

I try to read books which help me with new ideas and that doesn't necessarily mean books in English. Sometime back, I read a Gujarati novel Maare pan ek ghar hoi by Varsha Adalja, based on which we made the serial Mujhe Dor Koi Khinche. I also read Trijo Kinaro by Harkishan Mehta. I love reading all his books. I wish, I had the time to read Hindi and Marathi literature which is equally rich.

Another book which has helped me in my profession is, How to win friends and Influence people by Dale Carnegie. This book was recommended to me by my father-in-law Pranlal Mehta. It was nothing less than a Bible for him. He used to say, 'You must read this book, otherwise you will never be a successful producer. And truly the book has helped me handle people effectively as a producer. In the self- help series, I have also enjoyed reading Success Principles by Norman Vincent Peale."


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