Animal planet celebrates mother's day with moms of the wild

Submitted by ITV Production on May 07

Mumbai: Have you ever witnessed the anger of a mother leopard when her cubs are taken away for their vaccinations? How do orangutan mums? maternal instincts help them bring their babies up in just the right way?

There?s nothing quite like a mother?s love and moms from the animal kingdom are no exception. This May, on Mothers? Day, Animal Planet celebrates the occasion with its viewers through a special marathon dedicated to the devoted mothers in the animal kingdom. The Mothers? Day Special on Animal Planet highlights the special bondage between mothers and the young ones among different animals in the wildlife surrounding us.

The Mother?s Day special programming marathon airs on Animal Planet, on Sunday, May 13, from 8am to 8pm.

Capturing the most intimate and dramatic moments of motherhood in the wild, the programmes like Forest Tigers - Sita?s Story, Cheetah - The Winning Streak, Baby Planet Maternal Instinct, Bengal Tiger?s Motherly Love, Wildwives Of Savannah Lane, Echo And The Elephants Of Amboseli, Mutual Of Omaha?s Wild Kingdom will spotlight some of the rarest and greatest creatures on the planet share their motherly love and affection with their young ones.
