GUEST ARTICLE: New trends in the video production market 2022

Mumbai: There is no doubt that video marketing is the most engaging medium to connect with consumers and is also enthusiastically embraced by the masses.

A recent report indicates that YouTube has experienced a 20–30 per cent increase in views, and social media videos have reached an all-time high, with 56 per cent of consumers watching more videos each month on social media platforms. While video production is gaining momentum, the focus is not limited to humorous skits or influencers. Rather, there are several companies dedicated to creating videos that deliver value to their customers. 

In a recent study, four out of ten internet users follow brands that interest them (and are considering purchasing from). Also, 35 per cent of YouTube views are attributed to brand-owned videos, and 70 per cent of e-commerce brands have increased their advertising budgets for videos.

Looking closely, we have found the following trends in marketing video production that are expected to continue into 2022 and beyond. 

●     Short-form video

The short-form video has gained traction across almost all content platforms, including Instagram Reels, Snapchat, and YouTube Shorts. There is a likelihood that this trend will continue, with videos becoming "snackable," which means they can be consumed between other forms of content in a short attention span.

When it comes to what needs to be served to the consumers, a marketer needs to be able to achieve more within a shorter period of time. In most cases, you will have less than 30 seconds to catch your audience's attention and explain your point. Fortunately, video allows you to achieve this. Visuals, audio, and text can be combined effectively to communicate a shorter message. 

Let's take a look at a few best practices for short-form video production:

●     The first few seconds matter - Gain their attention right away to prevent them from swiping or clicking away.

●     Don't forget mobile - As over 75 per cent of video content is viewed on mobile devices, it is essential to use mobile-friendly links and vertical formats for viewing. With the latest video technology, it is even possible to create videos that adjust based on the device used by the viewer.

●     Posts affect where it goes - Keeping in mind that different websites and apps have differing content styles that work best and often have different audiences when making videos is essential.

●     Animated Explainer Videos

Animation explainer videos enable you to capture your audience's attention while maintaining it throughout the video. The most appealing aspect of animated explainer videos is that they showcase your brand's personality in an enriching and informative manner.

Many companies worldwide continue to use animated videos to promote their products and services. Animated videos are also used for various purposes, such as educating customers, training new employees, and many others.

Moreover, since more and more people are viewing videos on their mobile devices, creating videos that are optimised for smaller screens is paramount. Forecasts indicate that animated explainer videos will become more popular as a form of video marketing by 2022.

●     Shoppable social media videos

A shoppable and interactive video marketing strategy will dominate the video marketing segment in 2022. A viewer can be a part of the story or message by participating in the video. You may receive a different result if you click on the other objects that are projected on the screen.

There may also be questions or choices you must make that have an impact on the video's plot. Over the years, shoppable videos have also evolved. In 2022, shopping videos will significantly increase the interaction level among their customers. As a result, shoppers will have an easier time, and conversions will increase dramatically.

Shopping can be performed directly from the video, hence there is no need to leave the site. This trend is unmatched in popularity.

●     Webinars and live streams

A live stream or live webinar has become an increasingly popular way of sharing content in the past few years. It is a great way to increase brand awareness and traffic to your website, and it allows your followers to interact directly with you.

Combining this approach with the podcast offers you the opportunity to leverage multiple channels for marketing purposes. Apart from this, businesses and content creators can use live webinars to generate leads and sell products.

If you plan on conducting live webinars, you should invest in a good-quality microphone.

●     Vertical videos 

If you scroll through social media feeds, you will notice that most videos are vertical in nature. The orientation of a vertically oriented video differs from that of a horizontally oriented landscape video.

In 2017, Snapchat and Instagram began supporting these videos, and their popularity has continued to increase with TikTok. In vertical videos, the viewer may see more of the subject's face than in horizontal videos. Moreover, they may feel closer to the matter as the camera is closer to their faces.

This eventually makes it ideal for sharing on social media platforms, where users scroll through their feeds and wish to view quick, engaging videos. However, this video style is likely to remain popular for the foreseeable future.

●     User-generated content

There is no doubt that marketing strategies rely heavily on user-generated content, and video content is no exception. User-generated content is one of the top trends in video marketing for 2022, and YouTube's ability to attract and retain users indicates its effectiveness.

According to studies, user-generated video content receives ten times as many views as branded content. The good news doesn't stop there: once users land on a site via UGC, they spend twice as much time as they used to on the previous content. It is also well known that user-generated video can convert users into customers at a rate almost double that of static content.

Video UGC also increases the likelihood that these users visit an e-commerce site and make a purchase by 184 per cent, and makes sure that these users spend 45 per cent more on the e-commerce website. This approach is particularly effective in industries that heavily rely on user opinions, such as travel and health.

Even if your company does not operate within these industries, video content generated by users is a practical part of your video marketing strategy for 2022. 
Final Thoughts

It is undeniable that the trend of using video content in marketing has continued over the past decade. To succeed in digital marketing, you must have a detailed understanding of video marketing trends. No matter if you are a professional videographer or not, you should be familiar with the use of video content in marketing and design. You will see incredible results if you incorporate it into your online marketing strategy. Take advantage of all the trends and statistics related to video marketing on our website. This would aid your marketing campaigns and social media efforts to ensure that your prospects remain engaged with your content.

The author of this article is GPPL co-founder and managing partner Anjali Chauhan.