ITC closes public consultation on programme code

LONDON: The Independent Television Commission (ITC) has announced that its public consultation on proposed changes to its Programme Code has now ended.

ITC is the body that licenses and regulates commercially funded television services in the UK.

The proposed revisions were intended to clarify section 1.10 of the Code and enable some demonstrations of clairvoyance and similar practices in a clearly marked entertainment context, as well as in investigative programming.

The ITC received 208 responses to the consultation. Six were from ITC licensees or their representatives, 21 from other organisations and 181 from individual members of the public.

A wide range of opinions were represented. Respondents included spiritualists, astrologers, academics, Christians, humanists and secularists. There were also around 600 coupons which were the result of a write-in campaign promoted through Psychic News.

Responses are now being followed up and ITC will publish its conclusions later in the year.