TAM report: LIC of India ascended to second position in Jul-Sept’23

Mumbai: TAM AdEx India has released a quarterly advertising report on radio for Jul-Sept’23.

Ad volumes during Apr-Jun’23 and Jul-Sept’23 have witnessed growth of four per cent and six per cent respectively compared to Jan-Mar’23. Also, Jul-Sept’23 observed growth in ad volumes by seven per cent on radio advertising compared to Jul-Sept’22.

The services sector retained its first position with 34 per cent share of ad volumes during Jul-Sept’23 over Apr-Jun’23 on radio advertising. The top 10 sectors collectively added 89 per cent share of ad volumes in Jul-Sept’23. The education sector descended to sixth position with six per cent share of ad volumes compared to second position in Apr-Jun’23.

Properties/real estates and hospital/clinics retained their first and second positions during Jul-Sept’23 over Apr-Jun’23 on radio advertising. Life insurance and ret cars were new entrants in the top 10 list of categories in Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. The top 10 categories together accounted for 53 per cent share of ad volumes on radio advertising during Jul-Sept’23.

During Jul-Sept’23, the top 10 advertisers together covered 15 per cent share of ad volumes on radio advertising. LIC of India ascended to second position in Jul-Sept’23 compared to its sixth position in Apr-Jun’23. Union Bank of India, Patanjali Ayurved and Tata Motors entered the top 10 list of advertisers in Jul-Sept’23 over Apr-Jun’23. 2.9k plus exclusive advertisers were present during Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23.

Kedia Sezasthan and Vimal Pan Masala retained their first and second positions in Jul-Sept’23 over Apr-Jun’23 on radio advertising. Out of the top 10 brands present in Jul-Sept’23, two of them belonged to Life Insurance Corporation of India. Magics Hair Care was an exclusive brand that entered the top 10 brand list and secured seventh position in Jul-Sept’23 over Apr-Jun’23.

Properties/real estates among categories witnessed highest increase in Ad secondages with growth of 25 per cent followed by cars with 55 per cent growth during Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. In terms of growth percentage, computer printers category witnessed the highest growth percentage among the top 10, i.e. 180 times in Jul-Sept’23.

Compared to Apr-Jun’23, Gujarat and Maharashtra retained their first and second positions with 20 per cent and 17 per cent share of ad volumes respectively in Jul-Sept’23. Top five states together contributed 67 per cent share of ad volumes in Jul-Sept’23. Jaipur retained its first position with 11 per cent share of ad volumes in Jul-Sept’23 compared to Apr-Jun’23. Also, the top 10 cities together covered 70 per cent share of ad volumes in Jul-Sept’23.

The evening was the most preferred time band on radio followed by morning and afternoon time bands on radio advertising. Evening & morning time bands together added 69 per cent share of ad volumes.

Ad commercials with 20-40 seconds was most preferred for advertising on radio during both the periods Jul-Sept’23 & Jul-Sept’22. Together, 20-40 seconds and <20 seconds ad size added 94 per cent share of ad volumes on radio advertising.