Samsung is the most popular brand on social media in 2013

NEW DELHI: Samsung was the most popular social-media brand worldwide in 2013, according to Starcount, which compiled data across Facebook, YouTube and other sites to come up with its top 10 list.

Although Samsung was not the most popular brand on any particular social network, it earned 16 million new followers across multiple platforms in the past 12 months — enough to get data aggregator Starcount's top spot.

Walt Disney came in second place, largely due to a one-million-follower increase on Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging site.

National Geographic grabbed the bronze after its top-rated YouTube channel got 160 million views this past year.

Nike was viewed over 50 million times this year, while Google came next by earning over three million fans on Facebook taking its total following to more than 15 million.

Coca Cola had 15 million people liking its Facebook page while over 58 million viewed its YouTube offerings.

MTV had ten million new fans across Facebook, Twitter and Google after the MTV awards presentation.

Facebook solidified its position as the top-most social media, with 16 million new fans on its own page in 2013.

Instagram got sixteen million new fans during the year while YouTube had over three million new fans over Google during 2013.