Nielsen 'People Meters' under fire

MUMBAI: TV ratings giant Nielsen Media Research faces strong opposition from the Latino and black groups on its decision to electronically measure viewership in Los Angeles.

The agitators allege that the so-called people meters discriminate against minorities.

But Nielsen's version is that, they have corrected early problems with local sampling and now it is Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Ltd who is stirring up minority opposition because its Fox stations in Los Angeles and New York stand to lose ratings under the new system. But News Corp. has denied Nielsen's claim.

Nielsen introduced local people meters in Boston in 2002 and now plans to expand the system to Los Angeles in July. According to the company, it has commissioned a leading Hispanic research group to review a recent study by the National Latino Media Council that found serious flaws in people meters.

Opponents urged Nielsen to put off its launch of people meters in Los Angeles until an independent review of the system can verify its accuracy, say reports.

National Hispanic Media Coalition president Alex Nogales denied being a tool of Fox but acknowledged a shared interest in fighting local electronic ratings. "This is not just about television. This is about civil rights. The undercounting of minorities has got to stop," he said.