News18 HSM Network brings special programing on National Doctors’ Day

New Delhi: The difficult times faced by all amidst the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore the contributions and sacrifices made by doctors and healthcare staff around the globe on a daily basis.

To honor these selfless heroes, News18 HSM Network has planned special shows on the occasion of National Doctors’ Day. These special shows will be dedicated to all medical professionals who have put the welfare of others above all else even at the risk of their own lives, said the network.

The programming will feature eminent personalities from the medical field as well as political leaders in a discussion which will focus not only on the healthcare challenges that the country has been facing, but also the steps need to be taken to avoid and handle any health emergencies in the future.

“The special Doctors’ Day celebration on News18 HSM channels is an attempt on our part to express our gratitude to these “angels in white” and highlight their importance in our lives,” said the network in a statement.

The special programming on July 1 will begin on News18 Rajasthan at 2:00 pm, News18 Bihar/JHH at 6:30 pm, News18 UP/UK at 4:30 pm, News18 MP/CG at 3:30 pp and News18 PHH at 8:30 pm.